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Tipping On Alcohol

So I read this week\'s question about whether or not to tip on alcohol. While I agree with the answers provided, my question is this. If I go to a restaurant and order a $50 bottle of wine and tip 20%, the server gets about $10, however, if I go into a restaurant and order a very nice bottle and spend, say, $200, I should be given the same service and the bottle is the same size, but, are you then suggesting that I should pay $40? That is the only time that I have ever considered not tipping on the entire amount of the bill. What are your thoughts? Thanks!
Answer From Expert Roger Bohmrich MW

Perhaps the question could also be posed with respect to food to illustrate the appropriate response. If you ordered 3 courses for lunch which cost $25 and tipped 20% or $5, should you reduce the tip percentage when you return for a 3-course dinner costing $50? I don't think so, and I doubt many people would question this standard. The same service or labor is required for both meals, regardless of menu pricing. Etiquette says you should tip based on dollar value, and I believe this approach applies to beverages as well (wine, cocktails, bottled water, etc.).

About Our Expert

Roger has enjoyed a lengthy career in the wine trade as an importer and retailer, and at present he is an educator, speaker and consultant. He set up and managed Millesima USA, a New York merchant affiliated with a leading European company. Previously, he served as senior executive of importers Frederick Wildman & Sons. In recent years, Roger has judged wine competitions in Argentina, Turkey, Portugal, China and the U.S. Roger is one of America's first Masters of Wine.

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