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FREE Virtual, Informal Wine Wednesday ~ Wines From Islands

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    Wed, December 1, 2021 (7:00 PM - 8:00 PM)

Cost: Free

Wine Wednesday goes on vacation in the Islands! Well, so to speak. Our next Wine Wednesday program on December 1st at 7:00 PM Eastern/New York Time leaves the mainland to visit the islands. Wine producing islands, that is! On first glance, you may say, “How many wine-producing islands can there possibly be?” The answer is, “Plenty!” For instance, The United States has Long Island, which produces some great wines from Long Island’s North Fork, most notably their Merlot! Then there is Hawaii! I have tasted several wines over the years that were produced by MauiWine (was Tedeschi Winery), opened in 1974 in Kula, Maui. They are known for estate-grown wines, traditional method sparkling wines, and pineapple wines.


On a more serious note, other longtime wine-producing islands include the Mediterranean islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Crete, and Malta. Then, there are the Azores (an archipelago situated in the North Atlantic Ocean) and the Madeira Islands (both of these groups are autonomous regions of Portugal), the Canary Islands (off the coast of Northwest Africa), and the island of Great Brittan. Onetime island Australia does not count since it reached continent status some years ago; but, there are the nearby islands of New Zealand and Tasmania to consider. Rhode Island is not an island, although wine is actually produced there! Nor will we consider the mythical wines from City Island, Harrisburg, PA (made infamous by Bill Beeson’s April Fool’s Day lead story in our April 1st edition of the Pennsylvania Wine Society’s “Wine Cellar” eNewsletter).


So, join us with an example of a wine from an island for our next Wine Wednesday event on December 1st at 7:00 PM Eastern/New York Time. Also, send pics of your bottle’s wine labels (front, back and/or side) to by 11 PM Tuesday for inclusion in our Wine Wednesday PowerPoint slide show. We look forward to you joining us!


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  • tasting
  • virtual
  • free
  • wine exploration
  • wine education
  • wine questions

Hosted by
The Pennsylvania Wine Society

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