Local Event
Cost: $40
Join us on Wednesday, September 11 at 7 p.m. at PYCO School of Music to resume our 2024 wine tasting schedule after our summer break!
Get ready to geek out over the wines we will try. The Healthiest Pour are two passionate individuals (Juli and Colin) whose lives are centrally focused on remaining as healthy and happy as possible physically and mentally by eating a healthy diet, remaining active through fitness and mental agility, and following an overall healthy lifestyle.
Many factors go into winemaking, from the initial philosophy in the vineyard to the ideology in the cellar. The Healthiest Pour is focused on what’s in your wine and what’s not in your wine.
What should be in it? Polyphenols, and this goes way past the much talked-about and touted resveratrol. These are the same desirable compounds found in spices, vegetables, tea and berries, that have been studied extensively for their effects on human health.
Unfortunately on the opposing side, sometimes nefarious chemical additives, pesticides, herbicides, and coloring agents make their way into wines. We set out to qualify wines looking at several key criteria – factors that influence total phenolic compounds and the practices that keep the junk out. Who ever thought science could be so palatable?!
So join us as we learn the health benefits of the right wines!
Please RSVP by Sept. 3 so that we can prepare.
Hosted by
American Wine Society - Pittsburgh Chapter
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