Local Event
Cost: $35-$40
Come celebrate April Fools' Day with us!
Get in the jester spirit! Bring your friends, your fun jester attitude, and wear your goofy hats, bells, and silly outfits to our Tipsy Fools' Wine, Beer & Spirits Walk!
Enjoy sampling delicious wines, beers, ciders & spirits while socializing, listening to music, and exploring fashion, furniture, art, restaurants, jewelry, games, and more.
Choose tastings from 55+ varieties of wines, beers, spirits and ciders.
Explore 24 sip stops (small shops, studios, restaurants) in downtown Bothell.
Tickets come with 10 tastings, a glass* and a carry bag*
$35* through March 20, 2023
$40* beginning March 21, 2023
Buy tickets & view list of beverage vendors here: BothellKenmoreChamber.org/Events
This event is a fundraiser for the Bothell Kenmore Chamber of Commerce.
*Only available while supplies last.
Hosted by
Bothell Kenmore Chamber Of Commerce
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