Local Event
Cost: $395
Celebrate the vibrant spirit of Mardi Gras with an elevated twist at Cliff Lede Vineyards. We invite you to step into our exclusive winery for an evening that blends the elegance of Napa’s finest with the lively energy of New Orleans. Indulge in an unforgettable dining experience featuring wines from our Platinum Collection, including the stylish 2023 Marla Blanc, the highly anticipated 2022 Songbook Cabernet Sauvignon, the 100-point 2021 Poetry Cabernet Sauvignon, and a special library vintage. Director of Winemaking Christopher Tynan will join guests to share his insights and passion behind these exceptional wines.
$395 per guest
Wine Club Member $350 per guest
Platinum Playlist Members $295 per guest
This event is 21 and older. This will be held inside our winery tank room so please dress in layers.
Event details: https://www.exploretock.com/cliffledevineyards/event/518497/mardi-gras-dinner?_gl=1*nz71iy*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3Mzc1NjU1MDguQ2owS0NRaUF5OEs4QmhDWkFSSXNBS0o4c2ZTSmhUV2Z4bk5kUUZNSnl5TEpMSS16bEk3dzRkS3dqZXpnb0dTTld3WnFIczd6amNZaHNRY2FBaEVLRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*OTQyNTEwOTA5LjE3MzMzNTkxNTk.*_ga*MTE5ODI4NTU2LjE2OTE1MTU4NjU.*_ga_RLYNSYRRGZ*MTczNzU2NTMxMy4xOTYuMS4xNzM3NTY1NTA4LjU5LjAuMzEyNTUzMzIw
Hosted by
Cliff Lede Vineyards
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