Local Event

Sunday School: Champagne, Potato Chips, & Caviar

This event has ended.

    Sun, June 2, 2024 (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM)

Dedalus Wine
1031 Mountain Road
Stowe, VT 05672
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Join us for a fancy Sunday School session with champagne, potato chips, and caviar - it's the class you never knew you needed!

Welcome to Sunday School: Champagne, Potato Chips & Caviar. Sunday School is a class and tasting series that allows you to try new wines in a fun setting and boost your wine knowledge and confidence.

In this class, we’ll give you a guided tour of one of the world’s best three-way pairings! Think of it as a crash course that will take your taste buds, and your wine knowledge, for a wild ride.

You’ll learn all about Champagne, taste some of our favorites, and snack on luxe bites. It’s the perfect way to end your weekend on a high note.

The best part? You'll walk away with a bunch of new knowledge you can use to make more informed wine purchases and get more enjoyment out of the wine you drink at home.

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  • Dedalus Wine
  • Things to do in Stowe, VT
  • Vermont Wine & Food Events
  • Stowe Wine & Food Events